Release Notes for VBWitch VBWitch is a set of utilities I find I need when using Visual Basic. It provides the following facilities: * an icon-based project launcher * a tool to automate the pasting of Sub, Function, Constant, and other declarations * a tool to let you open binary source files which VB refuses to load because of name conflicts * a minimal screen-capture, useful for bringing icon and toolbar images into your image editor * a launching facility for programs such as help files and utilities * a desktop sweeper which pops all open windows to a user specified position with a single click Although WBWitch is a single executable file, its components can be invoked separately to avoid desktop clutter. I have attempted to expose as many configuration options as possible through the .ini file. If you wish to alter the program's behavior, check the documentation. If the desired settings are not available, or if you experience any untoward behavior or other difficulties with this program, let me know and I'll try to address them in a future release. And now: ------------------------WARNING! -------------------- THIS PROGRAM MANIPULATES VB SOURCE FILES BY UNORTHODOX METHODS. READ THE DOCUMENTATION AND TEST IT THOROUGHLY BEFORE USING IT ON IMPORTANT PROJECTS. NO WARRANTY IS IMPLIED AND NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR ITS USE. This warning is necessary because "Peeper", the binary file viewing utility, enables you to load files into a project when VB refuses to do so by copying and altering the file. It alters a file by string manipulations. It will produce a file you can load into a project and view, but the file should be regarded as corrupt and most often certainly will be. This utility will not alter your original source code. It manipulates copies only. Although the files it produces may in some cases work fine, and in others appear to do so, the files should be used for temporary purposes only, such as viewing code or pasting code into other modules, and be destroyed afterward. These files should not be permanently incorporated into a project! They will all have the extension ".ppr" to help you distinguish them, and they will all be placed in the "...\temp\" subdirectory of this app, along with a copy of the original they were derived from and a ".log" file noting changes. This directory should be regularly flushed. Use the ".ppr" file as a text resource, or save it as text and reload it before using it as source code. Other Notes: Another problem you may have is with the pasting behavior of the auto-declarer. It appends declarations to the end of the 'general'-'declarations' sections, out of alphabetical or whatever other order you may be using. I can find no easy way to improve this, so the default is to paste to the clipboard, which requires you to paste it in from there. Lastly, the files the Autodec reads have been trimmed of keywords and comments. Provision is made for you to modify these files and provide three additional user-defined files. I have included a small utility which can strip the text files provided with VB to produce files of the needed format. With a little work, it can also be made to merge such files, so that version updates can be accomodated. Other Notes: VBWitch is shareware. It is not crippled in any way. If you like it, you may register it for $10. If you don't, or have any problems, comments, or suggestions, please pass them along. To register, send 10$ to: Sui Ling Exile Software 2816 Shaye Lane Ft. Worth, Texas 76112 or: Compuserve: 100267,546 You may also register on Compuserve: (GO SWREG) ID 2383 You may redistribute the unmodified files. This version does not include a help file, but the operating instructions, shortcut keys, switches, and ini file settings for the various components are described in "help.wri", along with a list of all the essential files.